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Review a request

Two output checkers perform must perform an independent review of each requested file.

View release requests that require action🔗

Use the navigation bar link to view all requests for review.

Reviews index

This page shows you any release requests that are currently active.

Outstanding requests awaiting review🔗

These are requests that have been submitted and are awaiting or under review. Each request also shows your progress in reviewing the files.

Requests returned for changes/questions🔗

These requests are currently awaiting updates from the researcher, and do not require any action from you as an output checker.

Release requests are labelled by workspace name and author. Click on one to view it.

View files requested for release🔗

The overview page for a release request displays the status of the request, and some summary details about the files requested for release.

It also shows a log of recent activity.

This page also contains buttons for various actions that can be performed on the request as a whole (submitting your review, returning the request to the researcher etc.). In the example below, all buttons (except "Return request") are disabled, as this request has not yet been reviewed.

Request overview

The files in a release request can be browsed in the file browser tree. The highlighted colour and icons illustrate the review state of the files. This request has 3 output files, none of which have been reviewed yet, and one supporting file, all in a file group called "my-group".

Request file tree

View file group context and statistical disclosure controls🔗

Click on the file group in the tree to view the file group information.

File group

File group information contains the information about the file group context and statistical disclosure controls that the researcher has provided for these files.

Review files🔗

View a file content🔗

To review an individual file, click on the file in the tree to display its content in the browser.

Request file page

The More dropdown also allows you to view the file in alternative ways, or to view the source code underlying the file. You can also download it if required.

More dropdown

View file group context, statistical disclosure controls and comments🔗

The context, controls and comments related to this file's file group can be viewed from the file page by clicking on the Context button.

Context, controls and comments modal

Vote on a file🔗

Use the buttons at the top of the file content to submit your file vote. Options are:

  • Approve — output meets disclosure requirements and is safe to be released
  • Request Changes — output is not currently acceptable for release.

After approving or requesting changes to a file, the page will display your file vote, as well as the overall file decision. You can change or reset your vote in the same way.

Request file post-approval

You will see the colours and icons change in the file tree to indicate the files that you have voted on.

Request file post-approval

Add comments🔗

Comments can be added to each file group, to ask questions, or provide information on why changes have been requested to any files.

To add a comment, navigate to the file group by clicking on it in the file browser. Enter your comment text and click Save. You can write your comments in markdown for additional formatting.

Comment form

You can choose to make a comment public and visible to everyone, or private, visible only to other output checkers. In either case, comments are hidden from the researcher until the request is returned (or approved/released).

Comments on submitted request

Comments that are created as private can be updated to public at a later stage. This can be useful during the review consolidation stage, if output checkers agree that the comment contains a question to the researcher that they would like to ask without revision.

Submit your independent review🔗

After you have reviewed all files, you must submit your review. Navigate to the request overview page, and click the Submit review button, which will now be enabled.

Submit independent review

After your review has been submitted, the request status will change.

After independent review submitted

Review consolidation🔗

Once two independent reviews have been submitted, the request moves into "Reviewed" status. At this stage, output checkers are able to see the combined decision on files, and comments that they have each made, and can discuss and decide how to proceed with the request.

At this stage, more comments can be added or the visibility of existing comments can be changed. Output checkers should determine the set of comments that they intend to return to the researcher (if any).

Progress the request to the next stage🔗

To progress the request, navigate to the request overview page. Depending on the status of the file decisions, you will have the options to:

Return request to researcher🔗

If there are questions or changes have been requested, you will need to return the request to the researcher. Click the Return request button from the request overview page.

Reject request🔗

On rare occasions, there may be a request that contains data that must not be released. In this case, you can reject the entire request.


Rejecting a request cannot be undone.

Release files🔗

If all files have been approved, they can be released

Re-review of a request🔗

Once a request has been returned, researchers will receive a notification, and can make changes, respond to comments and re-submit the request for re-review. Review of re-submitted requests follows the same process described above, until the request is ready for release.