Workflow and permissions
Permission to view workspace files🔗
Users can view medium privacy outputs from any workspace they have permission to access (workspaces for which they have the Project Developer role on the Jobs site).
Permission to create a release request🔗
Users can create a release request from any workspace they have permission to access. A user can only have at most one active release request at any time.
Permission to review a release request🔗
Only trained output checkers are allowed to review release requests and release files to the Jobs site. Output checkers who also have access to a workspace may create a release request for that workspace, but they will not be able to review it.
The release request workflow🔗
A request moves through a series of statuses during the release request workflow. At each status, the request is considered to be "owned" by either the researcher (request author) or the output checker.
During researcher-owned statuses, the researcher can add, withdraw and update files on a request, and can add or edit file group context, statistical disclosure controls and comments on a file group. They can also choose to withdraw the request entirely.
During output checker-owned statuses, output checkers can vote on files, and, depending on the status of the file decision, return the request to the researcher, reject it, or release files. They can also add comments and questions on file groups.
Researchers and output checkers take it in turns to work on the release request. We refer to the change from a researcher-owned status to an output checker-owned status (or vice versa) as a new release request turn.
For example: a researcher creates a new request and adds files to it. The release request is in status PENDING. It is "owned" by the researcher, who can continue to edit it.
The researcher then submits the request. The release request is now in status SUBMITTED. It is owned by the output checkers. The researcher can no longer add or withdraw files, or comment on file groups. It is now the turn of the output checkers to work on the request, reviewing files and asking questions where necessary.
The RELEASED, REJECTED and WITHDRAWN statuses are considered final states. When a release request is in one of these statuses, it cannot be edited by any user, and it cannot be moved into any other status.
flowchart TD
subgraph Status owner key
direction LR
2([Output checker]):::checker
3(Final status)
subgraph Release Request Workflow
A([PENDING]):::author -- Adds files and submits --> B([SUBMITTED]):::checker
B -- 1st independent review --> C([PARTIALLY_REVIEWED]):::checker
B -- Return without review --> E([RETURNED]):::author
C -- 2nd independent review --> D([REVIEWED]):::checker
C -- Return prior to full review --> E
D -- Consolidation --> E
E -- Updates and responds to questions --> B
D -- All files approved ----> F(RELEASED)
D -- Not approved ----> G(REJECTED)
E --> H
classDef author fill:#ff9,stroke:#333;
classDef checker fill:#9ff,stroke:#333;
Withdrawing files🔗
Files can only be withdrawn by the author of the request and only while the release request is in the PENDING or RETURNED status.
If a request is in the Submitted or Reviewed state, it should first be returned to the author in order to withdraw a file.
Once a request reaches the Approved, Released, Rejected, or Withdrawn states, files can no longer be withdrawn through this mechanism. If it is necessary to withdraw a file in this case, please refer to the documentation for reporting a data breach.
Updating files🔗
Files can only be updated by the author of the requestand only while the release request is in the PENDING or RETURNED status.
If a request is in the Submitted or Reviewed state, it should first be returned to the author in order for files to be updated.
Updating a file will reset any reviews associated with that file.
Retrictions for authors🔗
Airlock does not permit users to approve or request changes to files that are part of release requests they created themselves.
Downloading restrictions🔗
Please note that only request files (not workspace files) can be downloaded. Downloading is permitted only for the purposes of output checking. Request authors are not permitted to download files from their own requests, even if they are also output checkers.